Strong Play



Strong Play Tech Programs gives students the skills and exposure to the essential skills to master new technologies.

Students log in through Zoom and learn the fundamentals of technologies in the 21st century such as 3D Design and Coding.

3D Design

Our 3D Design helps students learn the fundamentals of 3D design, using easy-to-use programs to intuitively create different projects such as custom mugs, cars and nametags.

Coding – Beginning

Our Strongplay Learn To Code programs form the perfect introduction to coding for students. Students utilize Coding Platforms called Scratch, developed by the MIT Media Lab. Students develop their projects and start to create their very own online portfolio of animations and classic games.

Coding – Advanced

Learn to Code Advanced builds on the principals in the beginner course and introduces students to Python, a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Python’s logical approach programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects. Students are able to utilize Python to make it easy to follow codes for different types of projects and games.