The Benefits Of Summer Camp For Kids
The Benefits Of Summer Camp For Kids

The Benefits Of Summer Camp For Kids

Summer camp at Strong Play

Summer camps are incredible experiences for children because they create unbreakable bonds and irreplaceable memories. They provide children with various activities to keep them entertained, so parents don’t have to hear the “I’m bored” comments. Below we will highlight the benefits of summer camp for kids and why their parents should register them. 

Promotes Socialization and Friendship Building 

A great benefit of kids going to summer camp is the opportunity to socialize with others and build relationships. It provides the opportunity to socialize with kids with similar interests. Summer programs also offer exciting environments for children to interact with one another in engaging indoor or outdoor activities. The kids bond over the activities and challenges they do together and build genuine relationships free of pressure. Overall, summer camps are beneficial for kids because they provide incredible opportunities to interact with others and build meaningful friendships. 

Keeping Kids Active

Nowadays, kids are invested in social media, technology, and video games. In total, kids spend seven or more hours a day in front of a screen, watching tv or on their mobile phones. This extended on the screen can harm children’s ability to read and their education. Also, only 7% of kids aged 6-19 get the recommended daily exercise. Summer programs provide an exciting way to keep your kid physically active for the summer months. Summer camps offer a great way for kids to stay active during the summer months. It keeps the kids on their feet at all times; whether they are walking to get their lunch or participating in activities, they are always moving. Also, sports camps are highly physically active as the kids participate in the sport by playing games or learning new skills within the sport. Overall, sports camps are a great way to combat the use of screen time and increase the daily activity your kids receive. 

Development and Personal Growth

Summer camps focus on developing your children and ensuring they learn on top of having an enjoyable experience. There are a variety of camp choices that you can enroll your children into that stem from technology to sports camps. These camps provide entertainment and allow your child to develop and grow within an area of interest. Summer programs allow your child to increase their communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills and capabilities in these categories. On top of this, a study states that 70%  of parents report their child has gained self-confidence while at summer camp. This is because attending camp exposes them to building relationships and growing their skills and knowledge within a topic they are interested in. Overall, summer camps are very beneficial for kids because it helps them develop different skills and grow as a person. 

Summer Camp At Strong Play

At Strong Play, we run incredible summer camps that help students get knowledge and training from experts in the field. At our summer camps, students learn the fundamentals and strategies of sports. We have an incredible coaching staff that is college or university trained in kinesiology, sports recreation, and more. If you are interested in learning more about our summer programs, head to Register today!